Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Rambling of a warrior.

I had been angry these last few weeks. I was angry on things and some people. Wait, I was angry at some people for the things they did. I know I should have confronted them, because little by little anger was screwing my system, and since I never felt it for so long, it was more intense and in a way, debilitating.

However, I'm not a confrontational person. I allow time for people to come out clean and own their shit. Unfortunately, only handful do that. They don't know it's waaaaay liberating to keep and own your truth no matter how screwed up it is. It frees the one you messed up with, and most importantly, it frees yourself.


I know, I should have the same mindset about confrontation. To take action at the real time, that is. I do confront people, but only after I found my own peace, which means dealing with whoever with rationality, with less drama and no hurtful words spewing out from my lips. Sounds easy. Lol.

It should be. After going through an excruciating process of finding my own peace, tearing myself down and fighting my demons to deliver me to the state where I want to be, I should become insanely saner that ever.

The tragedy of being self-sufficient (or trying to be), is you fight your battles alone. Although you can talk it out with somebody, honestly, that's the farthest it can take you. You decide for yourself and fight for yourself.

The beauty of it, you find yourself on top shape, feeling invincible after conquering the stuff that fucked you up. And that's ONE. GOOD. SHIT. OF. A. REWARD.

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