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You alone have the power to make or break your day. Sure there are outside forces beyond your control but they will only affect you if you let them. There are some people that could get on your nerves but how they affect you depends on your reaction to them. It's important to start your day with a healthy state of mind. Here are ten ways to fire up your day and hopefully, they will help prevent you from being stressed out:
1. Be thankful you wake up.
As soon as you open your eyes, say thanks. If you believe in the Higher Being like I do, give thanks to the Lord for another day in your life. Everyday is a gift. Each day is a chance to do things better than you did yesterday, another day to be a better being and another day to work on your dreams.
2. Pray and surrender your day to God.
In the movie Definitely Maybe, Will Hayes was walking in the streets of New York on his way to fetch his daughter Maya. While walking, he was searching through his selections of songs, played Everyday People by Sly and the Family Stone and said,
"It's a great feeling when you find the right track to go with the day.." and said again at the end of the song,
"... but sometimes no matter how carefully you planned your play list, there is no right track for what awaits you."
Life is a battlefield. Prayer is a weapon. Prayer is a shield. Praying is surrendering. You do not know what awaits you for the entire twenty-four hours you breath. So trust your life to the Highest Power, knowing you will be taken cared of. Knowing that you are leaning on The Rock propels you to live the day the best that you can with no worries. Here are few verses from the Bible that assure God will be with you:
"I am with you and will keep you wherever you go" (Gen. 28:15), and
"I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Heb. 13:5).
3. Watch the sunrise.
This is one of the most wonderful sights to set your eyes on early in the morning. Feast your eyes on the marvel as the sun's rays slowly crawl their way to earth, beautifully transforming the night sky and filling it with light. Inhale with it, fill your heart with the peace of the morning.
3. Sip your morning coffee or tea as you delight in the nature's morning wonder.
Always, always it keeps you company when you are on your own basking in the morning peace while watching the sun rises. The smell of coffee alone can wake you up. Get lost in the moment. Delight your taste buds with the coffee or tea while feast your sight on the beauty that unfolds before you. Pure bliss!
4. Feel blessed for the people you love and care about in your life.
For the most part, they are the reason for our living-parents, spouses, boyfriends/girlfriends, children, good friends. Show them love by giving them hugs, kiss them as you wake them up, cook them breakfast. Be affectionate.
5. Play some music to pump you up.
Sort through your play list, turn on the volume and dance to the beat while going through your morning rituals. If you think you have two left feet, no problem at all. Trust me, with good and lively music, your body has the tendency to betray you. You will find yourself swaying or your feet tapping or your head moving from side to side along with the beat.
I suggest that you choose songs with light, vibrant and dynamic feel. When you leave the house for work, it will stay with you. Your LSS(Last Song Syndrome) will help you get through the day. Workload may not be heavy, stressful and demanding, but sometimes boredom can get the best of you. When the stress or boredom bug seeps in, you can choose a song in your head. Sing it out loud or hum it or move your body with it and do not care who sees and hears you. When you're having fun and feeling good, other's opinion ceases to matter. Take notice of how your steps get lighter and you can't keep the grin off your face. Time flies at work without you noticing it.
6. Exercise
Sure you can do this while you're music is playing. It's been noted in scientific research that exercising releases endorphins, a chemical in the brain that fights stress and is associated with a feeling of euphoria. However, you have to listen to your body when do you feel most alive or lethargic after you exercise. If you feel alive after exercising, don't do it at night before going to bed or you will have to fight sleeplessness. Do it in the morning before going to work. If the effect is opposite and makes you feel tired, then do it at night to help you rest well.
7. Feed and nourish your soul.
May it be from books, magazines, videos, songs, other people's advices or the Bible. It could be anything that reiterates the goodness of life and yes, the greatness of God. Not only that it makes you feel good inside, but it teaches that there are things bigger than yourselves, and it makes you see the world in better perspectives and understands people the way they want to be understood.
7. Be inspired.
Think of someone you look up to, someone you want to emulate for some reason. Think of the people you love. Think of your dreams-travel the world, have your own business, own a house and lot, etc.-and think that your everyday struggle is a step closer to reaching them. Or, think of the next splurge you are saving your money for. It's not a cheap suggestion, but you deserve and have the right to spend your earning. Think of it as a reward to yourself for working hard.
8. Be random. Be silly. Hold on to some funny thoughts.
Lighten up. Chill out. Prank someone. Laugh as much as you can. Find something amusing. Surround yourself with friends, acquaintances or colleagues who know how to laugh and can make you laugh. If you're alone and you need something to make you smile, pull out some inspirations from your memory, the ones you remember to be the happiest and made you felt alive and carefree.
9. Do something good everyday.
It does not matter how small or big the gesture is, it's the thought that counts. Open the door for someone, offer your seat to the ladies, offer to make a cup of coffee for the office mate or throw your garbage properly... the list could go on. Doing those little things can make a difference to your day. If you're familiar with the adage
"It's better to give than to receive", doing something for someone sounds like that. You reap a thousand fold of reward called happiness as a doer than being the recipient of the deeds.
10. Learn to fake it until you make it.
On some days you don't feel great and everything seems to not work in your favor, fake it. Force your self to smile. Pretend you feel confident. Even if you're seething inside or you feel dead for some reason, tell yourself
"Everything's great. Everything's going to be great." It helps to maintain a positively healthy attitude even if you don't feel it. Like the photo said above, change your thought and it'll change your world. :)