Thursday, October 15, 2015

Humanity, More Than Ever

War is everywhere. Innocent people are dying, caught in the crossfire of factions fighting to push their own truths (no matter how perverse the truths are). Millions of people are displaced - a Diaspora like no other - driven from their own home, seeking refuge in other countries, even where they are not welcome. It is easy to focus on the beauty this world can offer, but it is harder to ignore atrocities.

Few days ago, when I tuned in to CNN, there was a woman and a man lost in their grief. The woman was rocking herself back and forth while sitting on the pavement and crying without tears. The man was singing in lamentation with eyes close, held by another man. Both were parents. Both lost their children from the bombing in Ankara. It broke my heart in thousand of ways and, made me think of my parents and my future children.

The extent of evil one can do - in the name of religion, in defense of ideas, in pursuit of power, in claiming autonomy. It is unthinkable.

Do they ever reflect what is right from wrong? Were they even aware of the consequences of their actions? Desecrating their homeland by destroying thousand year-old architectures and beating and killing their people to instill fear, is a death of a culture.  Terrorism is selfish. It is cowardice.  It is bullshit.

To make it worse, some people commercially thrive on war and fatten their bank accounts.

Man is born with inherent goodness. When and where then the character got twisted.

In my opinion, only the weak yield to wickedness.

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